Christmas Concert December 16 @1:00 pm HS Gym

As the third six weeks commences and Thanksgiving sneaks up on us, it is time to get information out on the Christmas concert.  The middle school Christmas concert will be December 16 at 1:00 pm in the high school gym.  With our concert being in the gym instead of on the stage in the cafeteria, everyone will be able to watch their child as we perform our musical selections.  We are all very excited to show you what we are working on!

We will be having our tacky Christmas sweater competition again this year.  I have heard from Mr. Bailey and several students that this is a super fun part of the Christmas concert, and I am looking forward to seeing what kinds of sweaters show up!  The top three students in the 6th grade band and the 7th/8thgrade band will receive prizes.  If your child does not wish to participate in the tackiness, they can wear nice clothes for this performance.

Below you will find all of the important times regarding this performance.  Please let me know ASAP if there are any conflicts!


Sunday, December 16

12:15-12:30 pm                 MS Band Hall open for instrument collection
12:30 pm                            Leave for HS gymnasium
12:45 pm                            Warm up
1:00 pm                              Concert begins
1:45-2:00 pm                     Concert ends